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Diaper duty made easy and fun.

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Diaper duty! It’s a messy situation but somebody’s got to do it. We know it’s not the most enjoyable aspect of parenting, but it’s a necessary one, so why not make the most of it. The secret to changing diapers quickly and neatly is to have all your supplies on hand. Then, consider it a great time to bond with baby!

Consider a few tips below:

  1. It’s a feel-good time for baby
    There are researches that show many parents simply love diaper duty. For one, it makes the baby feel so good. They get to wiggle around and get air on those places after being in a diaper. And for another, the baby’s little legs and tushies are too cute to be missed. 
  2. Talk with your baby as you diaper
    All the fun that comes when you tickle your baby and nibble them as you watch them laugh should always make you a willing volunteer. Some studies have shown that parents are also of the opinion that diaper changes should be made fun for the baby. Hang something interesting to view at least 12 inches above the changing table: a mobile, photo or poster that you can talk about with baby. Count the ducks in the picture or sing along to the mobile’s music. It’s also a great time to introduce the ABC’s and 1,2,3s. 
  3. Preoccupy your baby’s attention
    As a parent, you understand your baby best. Try to figure out what excites him and keeps the baby occupied around diaper time. Keep some toys around just for diaper changing and switch them frequently to keep baby occupied while you’re doing your work. Another thing you can do is rub your little one’s arms and feet with some baby lotion. It might help you put on a diaper without much struggle if your baby’s legs are wiggly, and what’s more, he might just love it! 
  4. Create a special set-up for diapering
    For this special time together, get creative. Many parents make up a song that’s only sung at changing time, or put their own spin on a classic. Try to come up with enthusiastic songs and sing it staccato. Think of something on the lines of, “Let’s get you changed – whee! – and all will be o-kay!” For all you know, your munchkin might join in with his cutest little voice! 
  5. Get to know your baby’s personality as he gets to know yours
    There are many examples of dads who dreaded the thought of changing diapers. But quickly to their own surprise, they realized that they enjoyed doing it as much as they did feeding or bath time. It’s one of those few, quiet moments when you’re together with your child and get to know her personality and she gets to know yours. It was a time when you could talk - or at least make noises to each other and play. 
  6. Learn a thing or two about yourself
    Don’t be surprised if you find that you are in fact learning something about you as a new parent. You will know what it means to be really in love when the exact same things you dreaded are the ones you enjoy doing most. Of course, with your baby. 


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