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क्या मैं गर्भवती हूँ
गर्भावस्था - की सप्ताह दर सप्ताह गाइड
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शिशु का जन्म
गर्भावस्था व्यायाम

Know about false positive and false negative results.

Bệnh trĩ khi mang thai

Home Pregnancy test

False results in home pregnancy tests and reasons

False positives
Positive test results that turn out to be negative later

  • Pregnancy test was expired
  • Chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage
  • Fertility treatment is underway
  • Some directions were skipped

False negatives
Negative results but pregnant in reality

  • Test was too early in the term
  • The time of day was not optimal
  • Urine was too dilute
  • Test was not sensitive enough
  • Some directions were skipped


  • Repeat test the following day
  • Home pregnancy test results are not to be considered conclusive

रोचक आलेख

गर्भावस्था 24/01/2020

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