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Foods you should avoid giving your baby.

foods you should avoid giving your baby

It can get so confusing keeping track of all the things new parents should do when it comes to their little one’s diet. An easier way to do this is by focusing on what you shouldn’t be feeding them.

Here’s a simple list of foods that are a no-no for your baby under 12 months of age:

  1. Honey should not be given to children under 12 months due to high amount of simple sugars and spores of potential bacteria.
  2. Beverages containing caffeine, e.g. tea, coffee and colas aren’t good for the health of your child since they have a strong drying effect on the body's liquid stores and therefore reduce iron-absorption.
  3. Small, hard foods should be avoided as they pose a risk of choking, e.g. nuts, seeds, popcorn, whole grapes and whole beans.
  4. Nuts should not be given to infants due to the risk of inhaling and possible allergy. Nut pastes or nut butters are a better form of introducing nuts. These can be given safely; however, avoid introducing peanuts in the first year, and first three if there is a family history of allergy.
  5. Spinach, which contains oxalic acid, may also pose to be a problem until later in the first year.
  6. Wholegrain products are not suitable for babies due to the seeds, although light whole meal bread is fine.
  7. Soy, cows' milk, goats' milk, almond milk or oat milk are not suitable formula substitutes, although it can be used for cooking or small drinks from ten months. Alternative fluids as drinks are fine after the first year.
  8. Low-fat or fat-reduced products are not suitable for children under two years as they do not provide enough energy for a growing child.
  9. Sugar and salt should not be added to food for children; this includes breakfast cereals, porridge, and baked goods. Read labels to check for these additives.
  10. Fruit juices are not recommended (unless well-diluted) as they pose a risk of tooth decay and diarrhea (especially apple juice).
  11. Fizzy drinks or soft drinks contain a lot of sugar and some contain artificial sweeteners; none of these will provide any nutritional benefits to your child.


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